Her Portfolio
Stop by to check on featured projects. I will soon have guest discussions and showcase amazing artistic talents looking to break into the anime/manga realm.


TTTAnime Teaser
Introducing our recent project, Teaser Promo, which is one of our first trials to create a teaser promo for the Time to Talk Anime series on YouTube. While there are some adjustments to be made for better legibility, we are pleased with the overall feel of the project. Stay tuned for the final version!
Adobe Premiere Pro
Adobe After Effects
Envato Elements - Music
Sunny Stroll with Nezuko
When I told my daughter I wanted to make a video that would highlight her favorite Demon Slayer character enjoying a day in the sun doing regular things...she demanded she be a part of it! This was created for a school project, but reflective of roleplay segments that I will want to incorporate in the TTTAnime series.
Adobe Premiere Pro
Adobe Audition
Envato Elements - Music/Sound FX
Deeper Dives
There will be educational moments that I feel not only serve me well in my journey to understanding the origins of anime, but also those who embrace the left side of the brain and want to know all the "facts ma'am". This video highlights an anime studio, but this will be extend into individual creators...both past & present.
Adobe Premiere Pro
Adobe Audition
Envato Elements - Music/Sound FX
Logic Pro - Intro/Outro song/Vocals